Introduction to complex networks
V. Latora
2nd Mediterranean School on Complex Networks, Salina Italy | 2015/08
V. Latora
2nd Mediterranean School on Complex Networks, Salina Italy | 2015/08
A. Diaz-Guilera
\'Mathematics and Physics of Multilayer Complex Networks\' , Dresden Germany | 2015/07
V. Latora
Analysis of Time-evolving Networks in Epidemiology and Medicine, CECAM, Berlin Germany | 2015/07
V. Latora
Physics of Emergent Behavior, IOP Institute of Physics, Science Museum London, London UK | 2015/07
A. Diaz-guilera
Granada Seminar, Granada Spain | 2015/06
M. Chavez
Satellite Physics of Multiplex Networks, International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci15), Zaragoza Spain | 2015/06
V. Latora
Physics of multilayered interconnected networks II, NetSci2015, Zaragoza Spain | 2015/06
M. Chavez
Scientific sessions of the Centro de Tecnologia Biomdica (CTB), Madrid Spain | 2015/05
R. Requejo, N. Kouvaris, A. Diaz-Guilera
DPG Meeting, Berlin Germany | 2015/03
A. Diaz-Guilera
CompleNet 2015, New York USA | 2015/03